Prototype RISC-V based designs on HAPS
Workshop Overview:
RISC-V CPU core becoming more and more popular in the industry and quickly building RISC-V based FPGA platform will accelerate the software validation. Synopsys HAPS prototyping platform is industry leading system solution, includes HAPS High-performance ASIC Prototyping System and ProtoCompiler the auto design partition and visual debug tool. Running RISC-V CPU core on HAPS gives highest possible performance prototype that helps to shorten the time to market of your product.
StarFive Speaker: David Hu, StarFive, senior FAE Manager
Topic: RISC-V Overview, Architecture, RISC-V Software Stack, Hardware Generation
Date: Sep.3
Venue: 深圳市南山区科技中二路深圳软件园1期4栋6楼